Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Was the lockdown announced by PM necessary for checking COVID-19? क्या लॉकडाउन जरुरी था?

       Many people have doubts about the lockdown because it was imposed in the beginning when the cases were few but now the cases have grown manyfold but the lock-down is being withdrawn slowly. So they ask a question - "Was the lock-down necessary?" Let us discuss this. 
      The first thing is that the COVID-19 virus started in Wuhan, China. It was growing as a pandemic and not much was known about it. China tried to hide it initially and did not share much about it. When it came to the knowledge of the world we knew that it spreads through proximity to the affected person and China controlled it through social distancing, masks and lockdown. So it was the best measure to check the spread of disease geometrically. It also gave time to understand its nature through scientific research and happenings in other affected countries. 
         The second thing is that after a month-long lockdown the daily earning people and laborers lost the source of income. A huge number of these people began to return their homes on foot from the cities. Due to the transport ban, factories shut down and general lockdown the economy was getting affected badly. So the lockdown was not to stay endless.  
           Third, the government had to keep the balance between lockdown and economy. So after keeping an eye on the occurrence of the cases and wide surveys it was decided to loosen the unaffected areas and close the local containment zones. Thus the economy could revive and at the same time, COVID-19 cases could be contained.
          With time it was found that the virus was getting weak slowly in India or we had a bit better immunity as the recovery rates increase. Also, with boosting immunity the virus could be kept away. To emphasize it PM himself talked to the nation and told the steps to be taken to boost immunity. After WHO said that this virus was to stay for a few years and we will have to learn live with it, there was no option but to "Unlock" that is lifting the bans of lockdown slowly. Major bans remaining the places of mass gathering like movie halls, festivals, processions, public transport, schools, colleges, etc.
        The government has done a lot to make people aware of the dangers and preventions of the virus. As to date, no vaccine is available or no medicine is 100% cure for it the best way is prevention. The government has done its duty now people have to play their part.
       So what the lockdown announced by PM did? The answer is clear. The best thing it did is that it made people aware of the dangers of the COVID-19 virus and its prevention by social distancing, masks, handwashing and sanitizers. PM himself addressing the nation about the virus and giving instructions is such a big thing that no amount of advertisement or awareness program could have achieved it. 
       So let us take the responsibility to check this disease as a citizen and serve humanity.
Giloy is said to improve immunity in a traditional ayurvedic way. 

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